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Glory for Odisha: Dr Sandip Mishra shares vision International Conference on Molecular Oncology- Dubai 2022

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Glory for Odisha: Dr Sandip Mishra shares vision International Conference on Molecular Oncology- Dubai 2022

Glory for Odisha: Dr Sandip Mishra shares vision International Conference on Molecular Oncology- Dubai 2022
June 25
20:03 2022

By Subrat Sarangi

New Delhi, June 25: Dr Sandip K Mishra, working in DBT- Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar as a Senior Molecular Oncologist, under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, on June 17, 2022 graced the International Conference on Molecular Oncology- Dubai 2022 joined a Guest of Honor and key note speaker.

He inaugurated the proceedings along with his Excellence advisor to Government of Dubai on 17.

His entire visit was entirely sponsored by IMRF, Dubai, academic chapter, United Arab Emirates.

Dr. Mishra has been awarded with UAE INDO B J KENNEDY DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD 2022, which is in the recognition of consistent superior performance in Molecular oncology.

Dr. Mishra has presented his advances on the drugs targeting breast cancer, such as DZNepA, MLN4924 which are going into pre-clinical trials (funded by DBT BIRAC, GOI), and also mentioned about his recent developments on the tumor suppressor molecules such as Estrogen related receptor beta(ERRJ3) and MICoA, etc.

Dr. Mishra was previously working as a faculty in UT MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Texas, USA. He is the editor of Springer nature group of Journals and other internationally reputed journals. Moreover, he had attended several conferences earlier in USA as chairman and keynote speaker. He has been the life time advisory member of Singapore Academic of Sciences as well as a member of American Association for Cancer Research.

Dr. Mishra has been acknowledged across the world for his discovery of tumor suppressor genes in breast cancer. His dis~overy of medicines against breast cancer has already been published in a very high impact Nature group of Journals that will have translational implications contributing to breast cancer therapeutics. He acknowledged GOI, Ministry of Sciences and technology and Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India for their support in the development  of the medicines for breast cancer. His work is dedicated to advancing research into combating breast cancer and making it a long-lost history.

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