Indus Valley Times

I am Proud To Be An Indian

 Breaking News

I am Proud To Be An Indian

August 09
17:48 2021

 By Er Taraprasad Mishra

 Jajpur, Aug 9 :I am proud to be Indian because of our country’s achievements in space and missile technology. India has launched a number of satellites in space for helping us in weather forecast, communications, medical research, and education.

 The missiles such as Agni, Prithvi strengthened our nation’s security and ensured a place in the elite group of the world’s powerful countries. Moreover, our scientists have lifted India’s pride by placing our Tri-colour on the moon and are now looking for landing in the planet Mars. I am proud to be an Indian because I have the freedom to speak, write and protest against evil doings.

We have the right to stand up and fight when we see human cruelty . I am proud to be an Indian because India is the largest democracy in the world. It has a civilisation that is more than 5000 years old and boasts of multiple cultural origins. There is an emerging global, scientific and technological superpower, with a diverse environment in flora and fauna.

I am proud to be an Indian because of its rich tradition and heritage. The unity in diversity is unique to our nation. I have got tons of reasons to love my country, but the most important thing is I love my country and I need no reason for it. I am extremely proud to be an Indian because I was born here. India is a vibrant place where you will find innumerable differences co-existing.

It is one of the oldest civilisations. Its myriad cultures has been an amalgamation of various civilisations without disturbing its distinct form. It gives us peace of mind that we belong to a place we can call our motherland. It will grow old but has still not lost its sheen and glitter. It has bestowed its warmth and love just like a mother does on her child.

India, my country is often described as a land of varieties. It is one of the most ancient countries of the world. It has a rich and varied heritage, the like of which no other country could boast of. I am really proud of it because it is the land of saints and seers.

It is the country which has given us the great epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. It is a great country blessed with the Himalayas and the sacred rivers like Ganga, Brahmaputra, Kaveri, Sindu etc. My land is so vast that it cannot have uniformity in anything. The people of India are from a variety of racial types, Aborigines, Aryans, Greeks, Sakas, Kushans, Huns, Mongolians, Arabs, Turks, Afghans etc.

 Naturally there is a wide diversity in languages spoken, physical features, religious practices. Indians considerably differ in their social habits, diets, dress and ornaments. Though the society is divided into different castes and communities, there is a general feelings of oneness among our countrymen.

All are first and foremost Indians. India is a museum of cults and customs, creeds and cultures, faiths and tongues, racial types and social systems. Our country presents geographical diversity. We come across extremes of temperatures, fertile lands as well as deserts and varied climates. But there is an underlying unity among the people.

There is a basic unity of ideas, philosophy, conventions and outlook on life. Festivals like Raksha Bandan, Dasara, Holy, Deepavali etc. are celebrated throughout the country. It is holy country which has given the world the Buddha, Sankara, Ramanuja, Ramakrishna, Viveka and a host of others.

I love my country more than my own life. I am proud to be an Indian. India is one of the fastest developing nations. Its economy, technology, people, education, defence sector, etc. are on the rise. India is one of the most richly endowed countries in the world.

There is enough of everything in it. Mountains, hills, valleys, lakes, deserts, plateaus, seas, plains and whatnot, India has everything.  Life sustaining resources such as air, water, sunlight, forests, animals, land, seas, flora, fauna, minerals, metals, human population, etc. exist in staggering abundance. Rivers such as Ganges, Sutlej, Ravi, Beas, Brahmputra, Kaveri, etc. flow perennially through its various planes making them the most fertile and arable planes in the world.

Industrious farmers grow all types of crops, vegetables, fruits, etc on these plains and keep the food supplies abundantly supplied throughout the year. My country with its rich heritage and tradition I say is the most beautiful nation.

We are also recognised for being the world’s second largest population. But unity in diversity is the main reason for my pride in being an Indian. We have different languages, different cultures, food, clothes, and traditions and yet we stand united.

 Non violence, democracy, intelligence based on our high standards of education, our natural wealth, harmony, festivals, family, system, caring for the aged, service and sacrifice are some of the things that I am proud of.

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