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Malkangiri Unit of Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad Observes Bundh in Protest

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Malkangiri Unit of Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad Observes Bundh in Protest

Malkangiri Unit of Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad Observes Bundh in Protest
August 07
18:19 2023

By Addanki Iswar R.

Malkangiri, August 7, 2023 – The Malkangiri unit of Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad, led by Adivasi Sangha President Ghanashyam Madkami along with Advisor Prabhakar Hantal , Ghenu Muduli ,Sonu Anugu, CPI Dist.President Braja Majhi and other prominent local leaders,organized a widespread bundh in the district today. As a result, government offices,Schools,banks, business establishments, and vehicular traffic came to a standstill as a mark of protest against various grievances faced by the Adivasi community.

The protest action was part of the nationwide Bharat Bundh called by the Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad to raise their voices against several issues plaguing the Adivasi community. The key points of contention include opposition to the proposed Uniform Civil Code (UCC), raising concerns about the alleged torture and humiliation faced by Adivasis, expressing discontent over the changing laws in the Parliament that adversely affect Adivasis, and condemning the displacement of Adivasis from their ancestral lands under the pretext of development.

Adivasi communities across India have been facing challenges related to land rights, cultural preservation, and equitable development for many years. The protesters argue that the proposed Uniform Civil Code, if implemented without adequate consideration of Adivasi customs and traditions, could further marginalize their already vulnerable position.

Furthermore, the organizers expressed their outrage against the reported instances of torture and humiliation faced by Adivasis in various parts of the country. They claim that these acts of violence not only violate their fundamental rights but also perpetuate a cycle of discrimination and marginalization.

The Rastriya Adivasi Ekata Porishad also raised concerns about legislative changes that they believe adversely target Adivasi communities. They have been advocating for inclusive policies that consider the unique challenges and aspirations of these communities while framing laws.

The issue of forced displacement of Adivasis due to development projects has been a long-standing concern. Many Adivasi communities have been displaced from their ancestral lands due to infrastructural projects, mining, and other development activities, often without adequate compensation or resettlement plans.

Additionally, the exploitation of Adivasi women in Manipur was also highlighted as a matter of grave concern during the bundh. The organizers demand that actions be taken to protect and empower Adivasi women from such exploitation and violence.

The Malkangiri bundh witnessed widespread participation from Adivasi communities and their supporters. The shutdown served as a way to draw attention to their grievances and to demand justice, equity, and recognition of their rights.

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