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No Regrets in Life, Just Lessons

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No Regrets in Life, Just Lessons

No Regrets in Life, Just Lessons
October 18
18:51 2021

By Er Taraprasad Mishra

Jajpur, Octo 18 : I believe one should have no regrets, just lessons learned. As simple as that sounds, the idea is more complex. When I was a child, I used to think that life was simply perfect and I would never have to face any obstacles.

As I later learned, from myself and from those around me, life is in no way simple or easy; many people fret about the small things and do not get everything they need to out of life. Making mistakes is a natural part of life and can be seen as a helpful experience, as long as one is willing to learn and take something positive out of the situation.

When I was in elementary school, I met a girl who later became one of my very best friends. We continued our friendship all throughout middle school and maintained it during the beginning of our high school days; we were inseparable. Near the beginning of my sophomore year, she got involved in drugs and alcohol, along with all of the other dangers I was always taught to keep at a distance.

For about two months, we continued to hang out every once in a while, but as time passed, I was realized how much she had changed. She had always been a sweet, good-looking girl that was respected on the court and in the classroom, but nothing was the same after she got caught up in the wrong.

 In a matter of months, she was a completely different person; she could have cared less about her appearance, she quit all of her sports, and her grades in school matched her attitude toward those who cared about her. One evening, I received an unexpected phone call.

She bawled her eyes out and apologized for everything. She realized the past two years of high school had been spent in the wrong. I eventually gained her respect, and we were able to renew our friendship. I still consider her my friend to this day, however, our friendship can never be the way in which it was before. She realized the wrong she had done, but she did not have any regrets.

She said if she had not experienced those situations, she would have never realized how great her life was before. Therefore, she did not regret what she did, but she learned her lesson. Everyone has a different approach when dealing with difficult situations. I am happy with the way she ended up handling her issues because I feel that I am not a strong enough person to bounce back from that situation. Lessons have to be learned from the things life throws at you or a bad decision that was made. As I have learned, not everything is going to go the way you expect it to all of the time.

 From the time I was a young girl to who I am today, I have learned many lessons. Maybe it was from when my mom told me to clean my room and I chose not to, or the different relationships I had, but regardless, I had to suffer the consequences, and in return, I learned my lesson. I had no regrets because I knew I would be a better person because of the situations.

In the words of Carrie Underwood, from her song Lessons Learned, “Some starts had some better endings, been some bad times I’ve been through, damage I cannot undo. When life gets that much harder, it makes you that much stronger, some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were, lessons learned.”

.We all have done things that we are ashamed of. We all have made bad decisions and choices. Indeed, each of us has long lists of regrets. We regret not only the things that we did but equally the things we didn’t do.

We often wonder how life would have been if we had taken that risk, if we had said yes to that opportunity, and if we had made a different choice. We mourn our wasted time and opportunities. We can all agree that the feeling of regret sucks. However, it is not what happened—or did not happen—that hurts us, but rather our thinking and interpretation of the past.

 The truth is there are no regrets in life, just lessons. You see, everything happens for a good reason. Everything you go through is just a part of the big plan. Those regrets are your most valuable life lessons. They shaped who you are today, and they prepared you for something greater in the future. You needed to make some wrong decisions so that you will make better decisions in the future.

You needed to lose that opportunity to finally conquer your fear and step outside your comfort zone. You needed to do the wrong thing in order to learn how to do the right thing. Clearly, those regrets are blessings in disguise. They often act as a wake-up call which urges you to make certain changes. They make you a better person. Remember that life is an ongoing learning journey.

We need to fail before we succeed. We learn and develop ourselves through trial-and-error. No one does the right thing all the time. No one has it all figured out. No one was born with an instruction manual to lead his life in a perfect, regret-less life. We all have regrets, but we are also better and wiser individuals thanks to these regrets.

We often assume that our life would be better if we could only go back and make some changes. Nevertheless, if we erase all those regrets, we will miss the chance to learn and grow. Additionally, happiness is not dependent on the occurrence or the presence of certain conditions in your life. It has more to do with your thoughts and actions.

You can choose to be happy and live your best life right here and right now. Bring your focus and energy to the present moment, and you shall realize that your current life is also worth living and appreciating. Steve Jobs said that “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” That is, one day, you will look back, and everything will make perfect sense. That day, you will realize that these regrets are actually the best thing that has ever happened to you. Trust the process; believe in your own journey. What is meant to be yours will never pass you.

What passes you prepares you and leaves room in your life for what is meant to be yours. It is often the feeling of loss that hurts us most when we ruminate over the past with regret. The truth is that every loss is imaginary, for what is yours will always find its way to you. The bottom line is let go of your regrets. Stop wondering ‘what if’ and how life would have been different if you had acted in a different way. What needed to happen just happened, and it is all a part of the bigger picture.

 Learn your lesson, improve yourself, and keep moving forward. Most importantly, keep in mind that opportunities are endless for those who commit to showing up and doing their best. Your regrets prepared you for the best.

Thank them, learn the lesson, and let them go. Embrace your current situation, make the best out of it, be present and make the present moment count, for it is the only thing you can enjoy and control.

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