Indus Valley Times

Patience is necessary for success

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Patience is necessary for success

September 09
19:32 2021

By Er Taraprasad Mishra

.Jajour, Sept 9 : Patience is necessary for success. It is said that “all good things come to those who wait” If we wish to achieve anything of significance, we cannot expect to achieve it overnight. Patience teaches us to value the effort and not just the success.

It is a mistake to think that happiness can only be attained through certain achievements.Success cannot be achieved in a day or two, but it is a long- term goal. We need to work months and years for it, so that we can achieve and accomplish it and then we can say that we have actually become successful. We need to be patient, and after patience we can reach the goal. It is said “if you want to be obeyed, ask for what is possible”.

For me, I consider patience as a basic step, especially, for those who seek a big success that needs a long time and five-year plans in order to taste the sweetness. It is also said, “which comes as easy as possible goes easily, while that comes with difficulty and long patience lasts for long periods “.

Ask yourself before you begin “”Are you ready to be patient and take a long time to achieve what you wish? Yes, patience is beautiful and it is required to achieve your wishes and it is one of the best key to unlock the dreams of future, but you should not make a lot of mistakes as the aspirants do.

 Patience has its limits and if you have a specific goal and this goal needs to be achieved in one year, I do not think you’ll need the patience of two or three years. You have to determine the period of patience and handle the mistakes that led to the length of the waiting period.

We see that in the field of work where there are many projects that can be useful for employees or customers, but they require a period of time to show their effectiveness of the projects. If you need to be patient for the success of these projects, you can achieve the desired goals.

The method of execution builds the confidence of the customers of showing the results very ahead of the drawn boundary of patience. Today’s politician lies to people of their false commitment and console the people to be in patience for watching the results. Illusory promise never show reflection of truth. People understand the intention of these types of politician. Today’s people first doubt and judge more minutely if any politician make promise of more delivery. The urgency in the results and lack of patience can be the cause of the destruction. For example, in the world of football, we find a dismissal to a number of coaches after two losses or three.

This will lead to instability of the team. While we find some clubs endure their coaches for years and they get good results and achievements because of the patience on the coach that has led to stability in the team.

The importance of patience is not only in the event of disasters, but also when waiting for the results. In the world of education, we are waiting for years to get out educated young men and women hold advanced degrees in order to support and achieve the educational goals for the future. In cricket it is most important for a batsman to stand on pitch patiently.

If he does so runs will come easily. If he fails to remain in patience by standing on pitch , he will lose his batting and the team will also lose the match. The doors are locked in very hurry by many people and these people turn again and again to recheck the condition of lock.

 But if they locks in patience then it makes a print on their memory that the lock has been done properly. There are much more example of patience that can be utilized as key in our life to succeed. ” If we discuss some of the successful stories, we find the best example of our Prophet Mohammed, God’s blessing and peace be upon him; who continued to call for 23 years until he said in “”Farewell Hujj”” :””Today I have perfected your religion.”” The call succeeded after many years and the patience of the harm and torture did not stop or tolerate until he achieved the success.

It is said that man asked Antara: “”What is the secret of your courage and you beat the men? Antara said: “”Place your finger in my mouth and take my finger and put it in your mouth”” and they bit each other, the man shouted and did not endure, so Antara said: “”Heroes can overcome by patience and endurance””.

Patience is considered to be highly crucial for every individual in the world. Besides, it is also stated that the people who can wait long achieve better things than those with no patience since it is impossible to acquire success in a single day. Through Patience, an individual learns about the importance of effort and hard work and not only success.

It is false to believe that everything, including happiness, can be obtained only through accomplishments. It is very crucial to have the ability to wait and trust. Patience is crucial for day to day life. However, it is quite tough to achieve. There are several advantages to having a high level of Patience.

It helps one to stay happy and increases the concentration level towards accomplishing one’s goal. In the present world, Patience is essential for every individual since everyone gets upset and annoyed quickly. One of the significant advantages of staying Patience is that it helps an individual to make accurate decisions.

Besides, it is also considered a vital factor in attaining success in one’s life. Patience is quite essential across the globe. Again, Patience is supposed to help any individual in achieving their objectives in life. One of the most crucial factors that every individual should know is correction, discipline, and manners.

To learn these qualities, it is essential to acquire Patience and realize its importance. Since having the least Patience can result in making rushed decisions. Also, it is considered futile to dwell over the past occurrences along with the future. Thus, it is required for an individual to stay composed at all times to avoid making hasty decisions.

 An individual must always be patient, including difficult times as well. Being irritated frequently and quickly takes away the ability of an individual to think further. Therefore, one should always stay calm and develop oneself further. 

Every individual deal with tough times in everyday life. The challenges that an individual overcomes provides them with satisfying outcomes as well. However, frequently many individuals do not attain their aim because of any or least level of Patience.

Patience is a necessity in an individual’s life since it helps them grab on incredible opportunities by not rushing works or things. Many people who lack Patience end up making unhealthy choices since they do not have an appropriate plan before starting. An action that is planned perfectly needs the Patience to acquire success.

Since planning alone can’t lead an individual towards success, it requires giving equal time to every action involved in the plan to avoid failure. Patience is considered to provide one with a desirable outcome. If a loses Patience, it might lead to a disastrous life. Patience helps an individual eliminate stress and frustrations, thus enabling one to grow an optimistic attitude.

When an individual begins to see only the positive areas in a situation, it makes the person stay happy even during difficult phases of life. Besides, it is stated that patients can help an individual attain a healthy and happy life as Patience ensures to help the individual avoid unwanted stress, annoyance, and anger that, in many cases, ruins one’s health.

There are numerous chronic diseases that an individual can get through constant stress and frustration. However, acquiring Patience in one day is quite impossible. It is required for an individual to accept things easily. Moreover, individuals must pay attention to their planning and the efforts they put in to reach success.

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