Indus Valley Times

Self-defense for Women

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Self-defense for Women

August 24
19:32 2021

BY Er Taraprasad Mishra

JAJPUR, AUG 24 : In today’s diverse society, violence is a dominant issue on the social front, especially for women, who lack the physical strength and size of their human counterparts, making self-defense a continual concern. Self-defense is the act of defending one’s person against attack by the use of physical force. In order for a person to defend himself/herself properly against a variety of attacks, it is necessary to analyze the various types of attacks, and the techniques available to defend against them.

Also important is to know the strengths and weaknesses of these different techniques, as well as one’s own limitations. Self defense is a conscious, proactive, methodical approach to living life, and according to the FBI, since one in three women will be sexually assaulted in her lifetime, self-defense is key for all women.

The rules of self-defense are very simple. Self-defense is, after all, common sense. Common sense goes a long way in the prevention of attack. So the first rule of self-defense is avoidance. Common sense dictates that a person should avoid placing him or herself in a situation so that attack is unavoidable or invited.

 Traveling in numbers and having your car keys in your hand before you even leave the building also help to ensure that your journey is a safe one. Avoidance also means that when an attack comes, avoid the weapon by moving yourself outside the line of attack. Another rule to remember is that in a self-defense situation, one should take advantage of their surroundings, being careful not to be cornered or flanked by their opponents.

 Look around the area. Remember; practically anything can be used as a weapon to give the victim the advantage. In addition, don’t focus only on distraction techniques in a critical situation. Instead, try to use a technique to neutralize the situation. This is where it helps to have self-defense training.

Women are targeted by many criminals because they seem fragile and cannot defend themselves. Many women panic in the state of attack causing them to be easily overtaken. A woman’s best form of defense is her mind. Some ways in which a woman can defend herself seem strange but are actually very intelligent.

In many self defense classes women are taught to remain calm and use their head in serious situations. Women often carry all their important belongings in a purse. One easy way for a woman to guard her purse is to keep an eye on suspicious looking people.

 If a woman suspects someone is following her or trying to steal her purse, she should turn around and startle them by saying something unexpected. A good example of this is when an elderly woman, having sensed someone following her, turned around looked the thief straight in the face and said, “Don’t I know your mother?” Startled by the woman, the criminal quickly ran in the opposite direction.

I believe that a woman’s intuition is important women can sense things before they happen. Many people on the run often like to take joyrides in other people’s vehicles. When a woman’s car is over taken by an intruder she usually panics and tries to regain control. This technique puts the woman at a greater chance of getting killed in a car accident than by the car-jacker.

 One woman was faced with being held hostage by a man that jumped in her car. This woman remained calm and dialed 911 on her cell phone and placed it on her lap, without him noticing. The woman recited everything she saw giving the police hints to locate her. The police, having heard their entire conversation, quickly spotted the car.

The woman was safely rescued and the man arrested. Many women would have panicked in this situation but this woman used her wit which might have saved her life. Self defence is the technique or a way to defend oneself from any physical attack or any harm without causing much violence against any physical attack happening.

 Learning Self defence and applying it while in danger is very much important for everyone be it a girl or a boy or a child or an adult because there can be circumstances where one is all alone and no one is around to help. In such circumstances a person needs to help himself and protect his property for his person from any attack.

There are various ways that are taught in in self defence learning classes which are not much violent but effective enough to who helps protect our body and our property. One cannot be sure enough about what will happen or what may occur during the or in our normal routine, anything out of the ordinary is possible.

So, in such circumstances a person need to be well prepared and need to be aware of what is happening and what he or she needs to do in that circumstance and how to protect himself or herself. This is where the need of self defence technique arises and this is where it becomes necessary for a person to learn it.

Sure, You are a smart, good looking, and self-reliant woman. Yet face it: life is unpredictable and can turn on you at any given moment. Everyday in the news we hear about women being attacked, women being raped, beaten and murdered on a daily basis. Maybe you know it as a quiet voice in your head or as alarming sensations but the “what if” of violence or an attack is every woman’s fear.

 Its time for a shift, a revolution in thinking: what if instead of being fearful you learned how to be fearsome. All it takes is a few self-defense tactics to keep you from becoming another victim. Now, you may not be able to stop the violence from happening to every woman out there, but at least you can stop the violence from happening to yourself.

All women, disregarding age, should know some type of self-defense or martial arts. To start off, martial arts is an extensive system of codified practices and traditions of combat that are practiced for a variety of reasons, including self-defense, physical health and fitness. The history of martial arts was originally concerned with preparing men for battle.

 Some martial arts are considered ‘traditional’ and tied to an ethnic, cultural or religious background, while others are modern systems developed either by a founder or an association, such as MMA. The difference between a martial art and self-defense training is a vast subject. Martial arts training and self-defense are completely different, but they are absolutely the same.

For instance, refers self-defense as anything that is done to provide safety for one’s self. It does not mater the means as long as the individual practicing comes out alive and as unharmed as possible form the altercation. On the contrary, martial arts is a military science of hand-to-hand combat. But yet again it is that same goal, to come out on top as unscathed as possible. Therefore, martial arts and self-defense go hand in hand.

All women should know how to defend themselves because they face, see and hear about a lot more crime today than they did in the past. For example, according to the Uniform Crime Reports in the year 1980 there were a total of 7,020 total violent crimes committed in Phoenix alone.

More recently in the year 2005 that violent crime rate increased to 10,695 a year. If you watch the news, you will hear about a lot of crime such as hijackings, killings and kidnaps. Some murders are psychopaths who do not have feelings.

They kill people without reason. For instance, the disaster center states that 14,748 murders occurred just the year of 2010 in the United States alone. There are also dangerous situations involving gangsters, drugs and accidents. The world has now developed into a remote killer due to many reasons of violence, war, and terrorism for example. The world is a place of danger.

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