
Happy National Girl Child Day

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Happy National Girl Child Day

Happy National Girl Child Day
January 23
19:14 2024


 JAJPUR,JAN 23 : National Girl Child Day reminds us that it is our responsibility to give our girls the importance they deserve and work together for their happier lives.

National Girl Child Day To raise awareness against pre-natal sex determination and gender-selective abortion, every year January 24 is marked as National Girl Child Day.

The skewed sex ratio in India is a silent emergency that the Government continues to tackle. Amidst uproars of gender equality and frequent amendments in laws to protect the well-being of girl children and women, the crisis is real and persists in modern society.

To raise awareness against pre-natal sex determination and gender-selective abortion. It is an initiative created by the Ministry of Women and Child Development and the Central Government in 2008 to shed light and raise public awareness about the discrimination faced by girls in Indian society.

 On this day, several campaigns and seminars are organized to encourage people in creating a healthy and safe environment for girls.

To mark the occasion, share these wishes, quotes, and messages across. A girl child is considered to be a blessing. She can be a mother, a daughter, a friend, and so on, and yet she is not respected and abused both mentally and physically.

 There are a lot of crimes that are committed against the girl child. Today I am going to talk about the important topic of saving a girl child in India. What does ‘saving’ imply here? Does that mean they are in danger? The answer is yes. India is a country where on one hand everybody with devotion in their hearts workshop goddesses and on another hand, various crimes are committed against a girl child like female foeticide, no equal right, eve-teasing, child marriage, rape, and the list goes on.

On This Occasion  Minster Pritiranjan Ghadei Said “On National Girl Child Day, let’s take an oath to work towards the growth and safety of the girl child. Warm wishes.” “We must love, safeguard, and respect the girls and women of the country.

National Girl Child Day is a reminder to do the same and make this world a better place for them.” Writer Taraprasad Mishra Said “We must love, safeguard, and respect the girls and women of the country.

National Girl Child Day is a reminder to do the same and make this world a better place for them.Social Worker Truptirekha Sahoo Said “If there is no girl child in the family, there is no prosperity, happiness, or glory. Always care for her, love her and respect her.

 Happy National Girl Child Day.Engnieer Arun Pattnaik Said “If there is no girl child in the family, there is no prosperity, happiness, or glory. Always care for her, love her and respect her. Happy National Girl Child Day.

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