Alert train driver saves precious lives as level-crossing gateman falls asleep

By Sudam Kumar Patra
Balasore: A loco-pilot’s alertness and prompt action has helped avert a major accident in Odisha’s Mayurbhanj district. The loco-pilot, while passing a level-crossing on Wednesday, found the gateman employed with the Indian Railways falling asleep on duty, thus failing to show signal to the train at Jugupura railway station. He then ensured that the train crossed level-crossing smoothly without any damage.
The gateman identified as Ratnakar Mahanta was suspended for dereliction of duty following the incident.
As per reports, Bangiriposi-Rupsa DMU reached Jugupura railway station at 9 am on Wednesday. Ratnakar was on duty during that period. Though the gates on both sides of the level-crossing were closed, the gateman was absent on his duty. There was nobody at the station to give signal to the train by showing the green flag.
Following the development, one of the loco pilots halted the train at the station and rushed to the spot only to find to his utter dismay that the gateman on duty was asleep. Then he woke up the gateman and gave signal to the train himself by showing the green flag.
Subsequently, the other loco pilot drove the train.
As per the section engineer of Rupsa station Gopabandhu Sethi, the gateman was placed under suspension for dereliction of duty. However, the comments of the suspended gateman could not be obtained.
Further investigation into the incident is currently underway.
“The gateman has been suspended. Following a proper inquiry into the incident, further information could be divulged,” said station engineer Mr Sethi.