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Friendship is primarily built on the two pillars of love and trust

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Friendship is primarily built on the two pillars of love and trust

Friendship is primarily built on the two pillars of love and trust
September 18
18:48 2021

By Er Taraprasad Misha

Jajur , Sept 18 :  It is a matter of luck to get one good friend in your life. If one happens to acquire one true reliable friend, one should not let go of them. Friendship is one of the greatest and the best of relationship bonds that people share in the world.

A good friendship develops on the foundation of trust, loyalty, and faith. Without love and these emotions, no friendship lasts for long. We must make valuable friendships throughout our lives. Friends stay with us through our good days and our bad days. They help us through life. We must have one correct and a good friend on whom we can always trust and rely on.

To get about with life, we need people with whom we can connect. Communication and relatability is the key to life and makes our existence survival. We have numerous relationships with many people in our lives; of these relationships, friendship is one of the most important bonds.

Friends, like our family, play crucial roles in our lives. Throughout our lives, we make numerous friends. While some of them drift away, others remain close. It is common for students in school to write compositions on the topic of friendship. Below we have provided such essays that the students can refer to.

Theoretically, friendship is the bond which two peer individuals share between them. However, practically, the concept of friendship is by and large more vast and expansive. It includes within its domain several varied emotions, feelings, and sentiments. There is nothing such as a good friend or a best friend or a perfect friend.

 The concept is very subjective, and the degree of friendship varies between people to people. Throughout our lives, we meet many people. Some of them remain, mere acquaintances, while others end up becoming some of our closest friends. The very close ones become like a family away from a family to us. Some say, a good friend is a family member that we choose for ourselves; it is very accurate.

Friendship is primarily built on the two pillars of love and trust. From these two emotions flow the other intermediary feelings between friends. A good and faithful friend supports you, has your back, and sticks through you during your bad and good times.

We befriend a lot of people in our lives, but not all of them live up to being a true and faithful one. We need to understand and judge who the correct ones are and keep them close forever.

 A good friend stays with you through both your good times and your bad times. They always provide you a shoulder to cry on during troubled times; they motivate you not to lose determination and purpose in life; they celebrate with you your joys and success.

A true friend is almost like your sister/brother, who has seen you grow up, knows all your faults and your strength, and sticks with you through the thick and thin. As we all grow up, we realize that a good friend is tough to acquire. We cannot always hope to meet people who will fully understand us and promise to stay along with us all the time.

Thus it is very much important not to lose your close friends with time. A true friendship does not require daily conversations or daily spending of time together. Fellowship identifies the concept of personal space and personal lives. A good friend gives you the privacy you need and allows you to go about your life in your way.

A good friendship thrives over patches of silences; you can go a long time without any interaction and then one day meet to realize nothing has changed at all. True friendship requires time and trust to build. It does not require much hard work, because it is enjoyable to make friends. The hard part is maintaining a friendship over time.

One callous mistake, and all the years’ worth of trust breaks in a split second. However, fighting for your friend and keeping that bond always alive and not losing it is worth the tassel. It is because a good friend is worth all the hardships and all the compromise. It is almost surprising how the support of one good friend can change the way you think about yourself and life.

Friends are a really important part of life. We all have friends. But every friend is not the same. There is some special friend always in everyone’s life. In my life, I have a very special friend also and I consider him as my best friend. Friendship is a really important thing in our life.

We all have friends; indeed we need friends to spend time, share feeling and do fun. Friendship is a really crucial relationship. It doesn’t have any boundary; friendship could bring labor and an engineer in the same place. That’s why we need to priorities this relation. But every friendship isn’t the same, there is some friendship these are really extreme and awesome.

We all have that friend who is the closest and most favorite. We call him best friend. Yes, we all have that best friend. Today I am going to share my feelings about my best. My best friend’s name is He is my classmate, we are studying together from class one.

From the day we met, we are always together and we have grown with really good bonding. Actually, we have so many common things between us and that’s why we have been so close. Durgaprasan. is a really good boy. His behavior is so good.

He is helpful too. When I face any problem in school, I inform him at first. He always tries his best to solve my problem. And every time he becomes successful to solve these. After school, we used to spend time together in the nearest playground. Sometimes he visits my home and I visit his home. My parents really like him and his parents also like them.

 Our parents are also good friends. They meet and greet very often. Especially on any occasion, they send sweets to each other house.  I wish to keep the friendship alive for the rest of my life. Durgaprasan  is the one who understands me the best and he also considers me as his best friend. We are really happy to be a friend of each other. Friendship is a really broad term.

 There are lots of types of friends in our life. We can’t count them the same in our life. They all are different and their contribution to our life is also different. Some of them may be very close to us and some of them not. Friendship is a really good relationship. We should respect him and need to keep our friendship alive with our good friends. Always need to help them and go ahead in their bad times.

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