Human Dignity as per our Constitution

By Our Correspondent
CUTTACK, MAR 18 : The BJP Intellectual Cell, Cuttack Branch organized on the eve of BJP Sambidhan Gourav Abhijan and the birth Centenary Celebration of Bharat Ratna, Late Atal Bihari Bajpayi arranged a webinar over the zoom Platform to discuss on the Indian Constitution and the prescribed Human Rights and Personal Dignity in it. This meeting was attended by intellectuals from different parts of the country and some non resident Indians staying abroad.
Professor Netaji Avinandan of the department of Political Science, Ravenshaw University was the chief speaker. According to him, India is a mini sub-continent, where people of all walks of life stay together. Nearly 1500 languages are in use here.
People from all major faith and different minor faiths co-exist here. People from different culture, creed and ethnic back ground stay here harmoniously together. When the country got independence from the British Raj, the Britishers said, India was consisting of different factions.
It is they who unified it and this unification will hardly last for a year. The constitutional history of the country is unique. Baba Saheb Ambedkar has collected best clauses of the leading democracies of the world and made this constitution, which is far better than the Britishers and the Americans. India is a country of 1.46 billion.
To keep such a vast population of heterogeneous characteristics is a herculean task. It is the foresight of our forefathers to give such a concrete shape to our constitution.
The honoured Professor said, Britishers claim that they are superior to us in the constitutional matters but they should know that, this country treated women equally with men from the beginning. Whereas the women in Britain voting right very late.
They also say, they have introduced democracy for the first time. The entire world knows that Direct democracy started in Vaishali and till now it exists in the villages of India. Professor expressed his sorrow for the state of affaires with our legislative bodies.
The chaos in the parliament and assemblies is not conducive to democratic life. Our constitution guaranteed freedom of speech even to the bottom most person. The students of this country should know and respect the constitution of the country.
Barada Das, the convener of the intellectual cell, emphasized on the educational standard of the people’s representative. Mr Bajpai was MA in Political science. This discussion is relevant and goes in his honour.
Pratap Rout from Chhatish Gada, Subash Sahoo from Baharin, Dr Nanada Nandan Das, Umasankar Misra, Dwipayan Patanayak, Binod Mohanty participated in the discussion along with others.
Captain Swapan Mishra offered the vote of thanks. The proceedings of the meet is available in the U.Tube. Interested students, inteelectuals and interested persons can go through it.