I’m a son

Sanjit Kumar Ratha
PGT Physics
Yes, I’m a son, an elder one
I do care, care for everyone
Often I dare, dare to do things right
Here’s the month end
And the pocket feels so tight
Rents, loans, EMI, bills
Oh I forgot
I forgot my blood pressure pills.
Everyday wearing old Jeans, with a new smile,
Every night’s better, after a few mile,
Oh these expectations, trust, hope; holding it on,
I am smiling.. I am smiling, since I’m a son
This Life at stake with a smile fake
All those Challenges hurdles, I dare to take.
I do care, never share; fight it all alone,
No I could ever forget, that m a son….
Carry burdens heavy, never spoke
I fought, fell and rose; never broke
Never waited for a praise
Walk each mile, as the family says
Bitter to hear, but I forgot my own
I’m walking and walking since I’m a son.
Everyone thinks m free, an independent brat
But how life sucks, just I, I knew that art
I never spoke I do never
Remain silent, silent in my own
Since I am, I’m a son…
That silence is so loud for me
Office stairs still staring at
Running me and will ever run
Endless, thinking it was the start
Time flies, sorry fries each second
Days come, but it’s never the weekend
Miles done and still miles to burn
I shouldn’t forget, never forget
That I’m a son.
I just need, just need a pat from father
A line of care, some love from mother
A partner, who appreciates and be their forever
This is all, This much is enough for my own
This is me and I’m a son.