Sukinda is where my heart – Minister Ghadei

JAJPUR, FEB 28 : Large number of People Feliciatated Sukinda MLA and minister Pritiranjan Ghadei at Danagadi in Jajpur district on Wednesday. . Addressing a meeting ghadai said that Sukinda saw massive development works during his period as the state Minister. “Sukinda remained a neglected zone for a long.
But things have changed and it is one of the flourished constituencies in the state now. It has seen industrialization and socio-economic empowerment of tribals Ghadai also highlighted various steps undertaken by the Naveen Patnaik Government for the betterment of the poor tribal.
“Sukinda is where my heart is. I will continue to do whatever possible on my part for the people of this area till by last breath,” Ghadai said emotionally Among Others Chairperson Archana Das, Youth ledaer Pradip kuamr mohanty,and others were present on this occasion.