TPSODL Promotes Safer Roads with Free Eye Check-Up Camp

By Prakash Panigrahi
Berhampur: As part of the ongoing National Road Safety Month Campaign, TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited (TPSODL) organized a Free Eye Check-Up Camp at Ambagada Training Centre in Berhampur. The Safety department and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Department of TPSODL teamed up with Sankar Eye Hospital in Hinjilicut, Ganjam for this initiative.
The camp aimed to promote the importance of a good vision for safe driving, aligning with the campaign’s objective to enhance road safety awareness. TPSODL’s business associates, along with their families and members of the community whom the company serves, actively participated in the eye check-up camp.
Around 100 individuals availed themselves of this opportunity to ensure their vision met the necessary standards for safe driving. TPSODL remains committed to its mission of promoting road safety and contributing to the community’s well-being. As part of this month-long initiative, the company intends to conduct eye check-up camps at various locations throughout TPSODL.