Triranga Yatra Begins with Patriotic Fervor in Malkangari, Led by MLA Narsingh Madkami

By Addanki Iswar R.
A Triranga Yatra procession was launched by Malkangiri MLA Narsingh Madkami, starting from the Collectorate and moving towards the Cultural Bhawan. The event witnessed the participation of key figures, including Zilla Parishad Chairperson Samari Tangul, ADM Bedbar Pradhan and CDO cum EO Naresh Chandra Shabar.
Voluntary organizations, students, intellectuals, and media representatives also joined the procession. The yatra aimed to revive patriotism, with participants waving the tricolor and chanting patriotic slogans.
At the Cultural Bhawan, a Triranga Consort was organized, featuring patriotic dance, music, art, and Jhoti performances by students. The event was organized by DIPRO Pramila Majhi and Binash Mishra, with the support of the district administration. The procession and subsequent events were a vibrant display of national pride and unity.