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The proverb reminds of the mistakes you do when you find fault in others

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The proverb reminds of the mistakes you do when you find fault in others

The proverb reminds of the mistakes you do when you find fault in others
December 02
18:41 2021

By Er  Arun Pattnaik

Jajpur,Dec 2 : The proverb reminds of the mistakes you do when you find fault in others. Those who are finding faults at others should be careful because when they are at fault their actions will end up destroying them.

Those having a fault at themselves should not find the faults of others. The way how we treat other people through our actions and words will come back to us one day. We should be careful in hurting others because we ourselves can be easily hurt. So, we should not insult or criticize others if we are not perfect.

The proverb literally means that those people who are living in houses made of glasses should not throw stones at others. This is because when you throw from glass houses, you are nowhere in the safer side. When the other person starts throwing the stone at you, your house and everything you own with gets destroyed instantly. The action of yours will end up destroying you ultimately. This has a symbolic meaning towards our dealing with other persons.

When you are at fault, you should not spot the faults of others. If you do so, you will end up in trouble. Those who “throw stones” at others to hurt them, can be thrown back to hurt themselves. When you say bad about others you are going to experience the same.

That too, when you live in a “glass house” it will be easier for them to hurt you with your faults by throwing the same stones at you. The proverb also has another meaning symbolizing the vulnerability of a person. ‘Glass houses’ are easy to break, which means it is vulnerable to be destroyed.

Similarly, those people who are vulnerable to others’ words and actions should not do the same to others. We often forget about it and speak about others easily. It is always necessary to keep in mind our faults and weaknesses before talking about others. If we do, we are going to destroy ourselves in one way or the other.

Well this is actually a very common and old saying that those who live in houses made up of glass should in fact not throw stones on others. Well just like the saying, it has the same meaning. In general, it is believed that we all have our own secrets that most of us want to hide from others. We do not share our dark fantasies with others. It is also obvious that each one of us might at one stage of our life or other committed some fault.

It is also true that each one of us are also having our own weaknesses that we try and hide from others. But the fact is much different as compared to what I have just mentioned above. Most of the time, we are always open to point out others mistakes and weaknesses.

In most cases, we generally may not even think for a second, if we have to find faults with others. Now, if we are having our own dark secrets that we have never revealed to others, then how is it that we easily try and reveal others dark secrets, even without giving a second thought.

So, as per the saying it is obvious that if we have something to hide from others, then we certainly don’t need to try and disclose their secrets as well. If you do so, then there are chances that your secrets or weaknesses may get revealed as well along with them. On the contrary, it is also true that if we are at blame for something then it is never ideal to try and point out others blame. In doing so, it is certain that our blame may also come to light in front of others. This saying can thus be related to a number of events in our real life.

All men are liable to commit mistakes and fall a victim to follies, this makes man’s position weak and vulnerable. Therefore, one must be very cautious and careful in casting aspersions on others or finding fault with others.

The other man so criticised can also find faults with you. So if you are living in a glass house, which means if you have faults with you, your position is as weak as one living in a glass house and if stones are thrown at you your glass house would also get broken and you would stand exposed. Therefore, one needs to be very careful before casting blames on others, or finding faults with them if you yourself suffer from faults and frailties.

 It is not fair for the pot to call the kettle black as both have been on the fire and both have the black spots over them. Those who are themselves corrupt should take care not to call others corrupt otherwise the other would bounce back. It is only when one is fully convinced of his own honesty and truthfulness that one should dare to accuse others otherwise it is best to keep quiet. All of us, as human beings, have our failings.

 In whatever profession we are, we have to tell lies and misrepresent facts to earn our livelihood. An honest man has to starve, as is the common saying. However, it is a pity that many people develop in their minds the monster of jealousy, malice, and hidden ill-will. The result is that they are always on the lookout for an opportunity to hit a really honest, truthful, and hard-working man.

 It is none of their business that they . themselves should work hard to achieve success. They do not believe in healthy competition and recognition of the true merit of the other person. Instead, they indulge in flattery, back-biting, and leg-pulling.

They apply underhand methods to be successful. They devise means to snatch the due right of a genuinely meritorious person. Such men are snakes hidden in the grass. They have their own failings and weaknesses. They are generally prone to several vices and bad habits, including telling lies, shirking work, misrepresenting facts, etc. Sooner or later, their evil designs get exposed and they have to repent. They cannot face the truth which is evergreen and is the other name of God. That is why it is said, “Those who live in glass-houses, should not throw stones at others.

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