TPSODL Equips Educators for Schoolwide Impact through ‘Club Enerji’

By Prakash Prakash Panigrahi
Berhampur, Jan.09 : In an effort to nurture energy awareness and educate the younger generation, TPSODL (TP Southern Odisha Distribution Limited)’s CSR team partnered with the American India Foundation Team to organize a dynamic ‘Club Enerji’ session at Govt. UP School, Kanamana, Chatrapur.
The session, attended by 19 teachers from 19 schools, is expected to have an impact on 4000 students, aiming to address the growing energy demand and underscore the critical importance of effective energy management and conservation. The objective was to equip educators with the knowledge to convey these vital messages back to their respective schools.
The initiative not only focused on energy awareness but also highlighted two crucial platforms – the ‘My Odisha India’s Pride’ Contest that recently going on and the Detailed facilities and use available in ‘My Tata Power App.’ These sessions were designed to encourage creativity and facilitate easy access to information, contributing to the broader goal of building a sustainable future.
Amit Garg, CEO, of TPSODL said, “We believe in empowering communities through knowledge. By enlightening teachers and students about effective energy management, we not only illuminate minds but also pave the way for a brighter, energy-conscious future.”